tad-varṣa-puruṣāḥ śrutadhara-vīryadhara-vasundhareṣandhara-saṁjñā bhagavantaṁ vedamayaṁ somam ātmānaṁ vedena yajante.
tat-varṣa-puruṣāḥ—the residents of those tracts of land; śrutadhara—Śrutadhara; vīryadhara—Vīryadhara; vasundhara—Vasundhara; iṣandhara—Iṣandhara; saṁjñāḥ—known as; bhagavantam—the Supreme Personality of Godhead; veda-mayam—fully conversant with the Vedic knowledge; somam ātmānam—represented by the living entity known as Soma; vedena—by following the Vedic rules and regulations; yajante—they worship.
Strictly following the cult of varṇāśrama-dharma, the inhabitants of those islands, who are known as Śrutidharas, Vīryadharas, Vasundharas and Iṣandharas, all worship the expansion of the Supreme Personality of Godhead named Soma, the moon-god.