Madhya-lila Chapter 9
Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu's Travels to the Holy Places
sva-prabhāve loka-sabāra karāñā vismaya
pānā-nṛsiṁhe āilā prabhu dayā-maya
sva-prabhāve—by His own influence; loka-sabāra—of all the people; karāñā—inducing; vismaya—astonishment; pānā-nṛsiṁhe—to the Lord named Pānā-nṛsiṁha; āilā—came; prabhu—Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu; dayā-maya—the most merciful.
Everywhere Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu went, His influence astonished everyone. He next arrived at the temple of Pānā-nṛsiṁha. The Lord is so merciful.
Pānā-nṛsiṁha, or Pānākal-narasiṁha, is located in the district of Krishnā in the hills known as Maṅgalagiri, about seven miles from a city known as Vijayawada. One must climb six hundred steps to reach the temple. It is said that when the Lord is offered food with syrup here, He does not take more than half. Within this temple is a conchshell presented by the late king of Tanjor, and it is said that this shell was used by Lord Kṛṣṇa Himself. During the month of March, a great fair takes place in this temple.
nṛsiṁhe praṇati-stuti premāveśe kaila
prabhura prabhāve loka camatkāra haila
nṛsiṁhe—unto Lord Nṛsiṁha; praṇati-stuti—obeisances and prayers; prema-āveśe—in ecstatic love; kaila—offered; prabhura—of the Lord; prabhāve—by the influence; loka—the people; camatkāra haila—were astonished.
In great ecstatic love, Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu offered obeisances and prayers unto Lord Nṛsiṁha. The people were astonished to see Lord Caitanya's influence.