« If you are thinking of universal way, how you can give protection to a human being born in America, and send a cow to the slaughterhouse |
| first of all, agriculture, produce food, and then, give protection to the cows »
721209BG.AHM Lectures
If you are Krsna conscious, then you'll see that "Every living entity, not only human society, but the animal society, the bird society, tree society, the aquatic society--all living entities, they're all sons of Krsna. Why shall I kill a fish or a cow, or a goat? He's also son of Krsna." This is Krsna consciousness. And you are doing humanitarian work and sending so many animals, thousands of animals, to the slaughterhouse. What is this? What these poor animals have done? Because you are not Krsna consciousness, you are discriminating in this way, that the human society should be given protection, the animal society should be slaughtered. Is that very good? Is that good consciousness? Just like the Christian people say that the animals have no soul--because they want to eat meat. Christ says, "Thou shalt not kill." They interpret in a different way. So you can make your own mental concoction, but if you require to be right person, you have to take direction from the authorities. That is required. (break)... without being Krsna conscious, anyone who wants to serve, he serves himself only. You see? These leaders, they... Of course, they give that "We are going to serve the country..." Factually, if we study scrutinizingly, he's serving himself only.