Raghunatha Bhatta dasa
Why should we support these murderers,false gurus?
False gurus in Iskcon starve Krishna's cows to death.I'm going to gather an army of monkeys to dethrone the false gurus in Iskcon.I will need a lot of bananas to bribe all these monkeys and teach them to be patient when the false gurus and their followers call them ritviks.
Yes,ritviks of Hanuman.By the way,a false guru and his so-called disciples go to rob a bank and when the police comes to arrest them,all of them start shouting angrily at the police:you are ritviks,you are ritviks,you are very offensive to our spiritual master,you are blasphemers and very dangerous.
And then the police will say: yes,we are ritviks of the government.
And when a false guru is ready to leave his body and the yamadutas come to take him to Yamaraja,the false guru starts screaming:you are ritviks,you are ritviks,I'm a false spiritual master,you are very offensive,you are blasphemers and very dangerous and the proof is that you are terribly ugly.Who allowed you to enter my room? Doctors,so-called disciples,please come right away and throw out these ritviks.
And then the yamadutas will say: yes,we are ritviks of Yamaraja.
your servant,
Raghunatha Bhatta dasa