661118BG.NY Lectures
So purusa... So in that spiritual planet, purusah sa parah partha, there is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In the spiritual planet there are... Just like you see here millions of planets or stars within this universe. This universe is a small particle only. There are many universes like this. And in the spiritual sky there are three... This is only one-fourth manifestation of the planets. There are other. Three-fourth is there in the spiritual sky. That information is there in the Bhagavad-gita. Ekamsena sthito jagat. So each and every spiritual planet, there is expansion of Krsna, and they are differently named. In that picture we will find, our Bhagavata. Innumerable. So purusa. They are all purusa. Purusa means the person. They are not imperson. Purusa. Purusah sa parah. But superior. Purusah sa parah partha bhaktya labhyah. You can approach that purusa simply by devotional service, not by challenge, not by philosophical speculation or not by exercise of this yoga and that yoga. No. Simply by surrender and devotional service. It is clearly stated. It is not stated that you can reach there by philosophical speculation, mental concoction or by some physical exercise. This is not possible. You have to reach there bhaktya, by devotion, ananyaya, ananya-cetah, without deviation to this karma, fruitive activities, or the philosophical speculation or this exercise. No. Simply, simply this devotional service, unalloyed devotional service without any mixture. If you can adopt that, then...