Now, here is a point, that Krsna does not approve the worship of demigods. That is also stated in the Bhagavad-gita.
Kamais tais tair hrta-jnana yajanty anya-devatah: "Those who are out of intelligence, they simply worship the demigods."
In the Bhagavad-gita or in the Bhagavata, anywhere, worship of demigods is not very much recommended.
So here also the same thing, that svabhava-tantro hi janah: "Everyone is carried by the modes of nature."
Svabhavam anuvartate: "And he cannot surpass the spell of the modes of nature."
Svabhavam anuvartante, svabhavas tam idam sarvam: "Everyone is under the control of the nature he has acquired."
And sa-devasura manusah. Sa-devasura. "Always, either he is man or superman or animal, everyone is being controlled by the modes of nature."
dehan uccavacan jantuh
prapyotsrjati karmana
satrur mitram udasinah
karmaiva gurur isvarah
He is giving so much stress on karma. There is no question of bhakti here. So dehan uccavacan.
There are difference of high-grade body and low-grade body. There are different kinds of body. Somebody has got very high grade body--very intelligent, very rich, very beautiful, very wealthy--and somebody has low-grade body.
So dehan uccavacan jantuh prapyotsrjati karmana: "Now, these high-grade and low-grade bodies are obtained according to the work he has done."
Satrur mitram udasinah karmaiva gurur isvarah: "And one is the leader or one is a teacher or one is enemy or one is friend--everything is judged by this karma, by work." Just see how much he is giving stress on work. Karmaiva. Karmaiva gurur isvarah.