According to the laws of nature, when one is extremely opulent one becomes degraded, and this is true both individually and collectively. The demigods are situated in the mode of goodness, but sometimes even one who is situated in such an exalted position as King Indra, the king of all the demigods, falls down because of material opulence. We are now actually seeing this in America. The entire American nation has tried to advance in material opulence without striving to produce ideal human beings. The result is that Americans are now regretting the wholesale criminality of American society and are wondering how America has become so lawless and unmanageable. As stated in Srimad-Bhägavatam (7.5.31), na te viduh svärtha-gatim hi visñum: persons who are unenlightened do not know the aim of life, which is to return home, back to Godhead. Therefore, both individually and collectively, they try to enjoy so-called material comforts, and they become addicted to wine and women. The men produced in such a society are less than fourth class. They are the unwanted population known as varna-sankara, and as stated in Bhagavad-gitä, an increase of varna-sankara population creates a hellish society. This is the society in which Americans now find themselves. Fortunately, however, the Hare Krsna movement has come to America, and many fortunate young men are giving serious attention to this movement...S.B. 6.7.12 PURPORT
The people I have seen in America are very restless. They go from one apartment to another apartment or from one country to another country. That restlessness is there because we are searching after our real home. To go from this place to that place will not give eternal life. Eternal life is with Krsna. Therefore Krsna says, "Everything belongs to Me, and I have the superexcellent abode, which is called Goloka Vrindävana." If one wants to go there, he must simply become Krsna conscious and try to understand how Krsna appears and disappears, what His constitutional position is, what our constitutional position is, what our relationship with Him is, and how to live. Simply try to understand these ideas scientifically. Everything in Krsna consciousness is scientific. It is not bogus, whimsical, sentimental, fanatical or imaginary. It is truth, fact, reality. One must understand Krsna in truth. EASY JOURNEY TO OTHER PLANETS CHAPTER 2...CLICK HERE FOR PROTECTACOW IS THE VOICE OF AMERICA.