Srimad Bhagavatam Canto three chapter twenty two verse three SB.3/22/3
tat-tranayasrjac casman
doh-sahasrat sahasra-pat
hrdayam tasya hi brahma
ksatram angam pracaksate
tat-tranaya--for the protection of the brahmanas; asrjat--created; ca--and; asman--us (ksatriyas); doh-sahasrat--from His thousand arms; sahasra-pat--the thousand-legged Supreme Being (the universal form); hrdayam--heart; tasya--His; hi--for; brahma--brahmanas; ksatram--the ksatriyas; angam--arms; pracaksate--are spoken of.
For the protection of the brahmanas, the thousand-legged Supreme Being created us, the ksatriyas, from His thousand arms. Hence the brahmanas are said to be His heart and the ksatriyas His arms.
Ksatriyas are specifically meant to maintain the brahmanas because if the brahmanas are protected, then the head of civilization is protected. Brahmanas are supposed to be the head of the social body; if the head is clear and has not gone mad, then everything is in proper position. The Lord is described thus: namo brahmanya-devaya go-brahmana-hitaya ca. The purport of this prayer is that the Lord specifically protects the brahmanas and the cows, and then He protects all other members of society (jagad-dhitaya). It is His will that universal welfare work depends on the protection of cows and brahmanas; thus brahminical culture and cow protection are the basic principles for human civilization. Ksatriyas are especially meant to protect the brahmanas, as is the supreme will of the Lord: go-brahmana-hitaya ca. As, within the body, the heart is a very important part, so the brahmanas are also the important element in human society. The ksatriyas are more like the whole body; even though the whole body is bigger than the heart, the heart is more important.